Bugs:Most Annoying Bugs 10.3
The most annoying bugs and their suggested workarounds:
For general information about reporting bugs, see Submitting Bug Reports.
openSUSE 10.3
- D-BUS rc-script exits before dbus-daemon is ready/up (cause to fail startup of depending services as e.g. ConsoleKit or HAL) (
Bug #331002). - Boot options "Repair Installed System" (
Bug #331532) and "Firmware test" (Bug #331531) don't work, start of "Rescue System" works though. - Package management stack (zypper, YaST) does not work behind proxy requiring authentication (Bug #330351, Bug #227511). Workaround: Edit your /root/.curlrc file as described here
- When use zh_TW locale installation, cannot disable Firewall or enable ssh/vnc in Network configuration.(
Bug #332591) - Upgrading from openSUSE 10.2 (or older) fails on systems with a separate /var partition (Bug #330705). Workaround: Change the way how /var gets mounted before starting the upgrade.
Bugs that only affect certain applications
- Eclipse crashes with by default installed Java version (
Bug #328671), fix: Install Java 1.6 - VirtualBox segfaults on x86_64 architecture (
Bug #307722). - Tagging pictures in f-spot fails - this is because f-spot no longer works with sqlite2. The fix is to run 'f-spot-sqlite-upgrade'.
- The original grub-install had been replaced. The original script had been renamed to grub-install.unsupported. (Bug #339995). "grub-install.unsupported option[s]" has to be used instead of e.g "grub-install /dev/fd0"
- Because of a format change in Berkeley DB's on-disk log files between Berkely DB 4.3 and 4.4 an installed OpenLDAP server might not start after updating from openSUSE 10.2 to openSUSE 10.3 (Bug 334639). To fix this, you should export you LDAP Databases using the "slapcat" utility BEFORE starting the update and reimport the data using "slapadd" after the update. On an already updated machine you can try the following to get the LDAP Server running again: Stop the LDAP Server and remove all files starting with "_db." from the database directory and start the LDAP server again after that.
Documentation Bugs
For documentation bugs, see Errata in the openSUSE 10.3 Documentation.